Books for Therapists on Group Therapy
Group therapy is a well researched and used method in many fields of psychology; however, contrary to what some people think, conducting a group is not easy, nor simple. The next few books touch on the theory of group therapy, detailing its functioning, and provide valuable techniques and tools to make you confident and calm when leading a psychotherapeutic group.
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“The College Counselor’s Guide to Group Psychotherapy” by Ribiero, Gross, and Turner
This book is written with the intent to make group psychotherapy in the college context more understandable and accessible to counselors. Being a popular approach among college counselors, this guide provides clear instructions and advice on how to create an environment in which all individuals in the group can thrive, drawing from recent research in the field.
“Attachment in Group Psychotherapy” by Marmarosh
This book applies attachment theory to group psychotherapy, explaining how group therapists can effectively work with members of different attachment styles. The chapters provide clinical guidance and case examples for numerous aspects of group therapy, including screening and preparing potential members, identifying individuals who are not good candidates for group therapy, and fostering here-and-now emotional experiences that help group members move toward positive change.
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“The Interpersonal Neurobiology of Group Psychotherapy and Group Process” by Gantt and Badenoch
Might it be possible that neuroscience, in particular interpersonal neurobiology, can illuminate the unique ways that group processes collaborate with and enhance the brain’s natural developmental and repairing processes? This book brings together the work of twelve contemporary group therapists and practitioners who are exploring this possibility through applying the principles of interpersonal neurobiology (IPNB) to a variety of approaches to group therapy and experiential learning groups. IPNB’s focus on how human beings shape one another’s brains throughout the life span makes it a natural fit for those of us who are involved in bringing people together so that, through their interactions, they may better understand and transform their own deeper mind and relational patterns.
“Theorie und Praxis der Gruppenpsychotherapie: Ein Lehrbuch” von Yalom
In this completely revised and updated fifth edition of group psychotherapy’s standard text, Dr. Yalom and his collabourator present the most recent developments in the field, drawing on nearly a decade of new research as well as their broad clinical wisdom and expertise. Among the significant new topics: Online therapy Specialized groups Ethnocultural diversity Trauma Managed care Plus hundreds of new references and clinical vignettes
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