Books for Therapists on Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is a serious mood disorder that can completely paralyze a person’s life. Affecting not only the person with the disorder, but all of those around, it’s crucial that psychotherapists have a good understanding of the symptoms and particularities of this disorder. The following works address these topics, providing practical, concise, and even emotional descriptions.
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“An Unquiet Mind” by Redfield Jamison

An Unquiet Mind is both memoir and educational book, seeing as author Kay Redfield Jamison is an expert on bipolar disorder, and also afflicted by it. In this compelling and raw book, Jamison discusses her trajectory as someone who was experience bipolar illness, with all its highs and lows, and also her career as a professional on this field. An Unquiet Mind will leave you reflecting on the boundaries between madness and normality in a real and deep sense.
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“Bipolare Störungen: Kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutisches Behandlungsmanual” von Meyer und Hautzinger

The treatment manual – primarily designed for outpatient individual treatment – comprises 25 therapy sessions and introduces: the basics of the clinical picture, diagnostics and comorbidities; presentation of integrative psychological models of bipolar disorders; pharmacotherapy and specifics of the treatment of bipolar disorders. Furthermore, it offers special therapy modules for the treatment of acute depressive and manic symptoms. The focus is on relapse prevention, taking additional therapy elements into account: building up skills such as emotional perception and mindfulness, problem solving and communication
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