Books for Therapists on Therapeutic Alliances
In recent studies, it has been discovered that one of the main ingredients to a successful psychotherapeutic process, more than the type of approach, is the therapeutic alliance. That being said, this section is all about how to establish and maintain a healthy and engaging relationship with your client, and how it can influence the clinical outcome.
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“Negotiating the Therapeutic Alliance” by Jeremy D. Safran and J. Christopher Muran

The therapeutic alliance is already proven to be the utmost essential factor to be looking at when starting the psychotherapeutic process. Because of its importance, authors Safran and Muran wrote this book that aims to guide the therapist to work on the relationship with the patient, and that manages to do so by elucidating principles and recent research concerning the topic of therapeutic alliance.
“Posttraumatisches Wachstum und Therapeutische Allianz im Rahmen der integrativen kognitiven Verhaltenstherapie für Komplizierte Trauer” von Michaela Kotoucova
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Losing a loved one and grieving is a very painful but part of life experience. Although nothing will be the same as it used to be, most people return to their “everyday life” after a certain period of time. Unfortunately, some people do not succeed in doing this because of the severe pain. You develop Complicated Grief. Integrative cognitive behavioral therapy helps the affected people to alleviate this severe pain so that they can participate in life again. The role of post-traumatic growth and the therapeutic alliance is described in this work.
“Persönlichkeit und Bindung in der therapeutischen Beziehung: Eva Neumann und Rainer Sachse im Gespräch mit Uwe Britten” von Rainer Sachse und Eva Neumann

The authors discuss the interplay of the personality structures of client and therapist as well as the question of what kind of bond the therapist-client relationship represents. In any case, successful therapy with people with impaired personality depends on the therapist knowing his own personality structure and his own attachment behavior well. Every person has a personality structure and every person has learned a certain way of establishing bonds with others and being bound to other people in general. Often people come to psychotherapy who show a conspicuous pattern of personality as well as insecure attachment patterns.
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