Books for Therapists on Coping & Defence Mechanisms


Coping and defence mechanisms are an integral part of the human mind; its use varies from everyday situations to life-changing losses or difficulties in life, and they’re important in every one of those situations. The following list of books includes inspirational, educational, and oftentimes humorous narratives on this issue, and have the power to guide you through clinical and personal experiences.

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“Sunbathing in the Rain” by Gwyneth Lewis

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Sunbathing in the Rain is a raw and powerful narrative that is both a memoir and a guide for those battling depression. Gwyneth Lewis tells her own journey of struggling with depression and alcoholism, presenting us with a story that goes from deep, to practical, to encouraging in its pages. The author reflects on the contrasting nature of the mental illness, describing the divergence between the dreadful state the affected is in and the light and aired world that goes on around him. This book is an eye-opener for people that desperately need a new perspective, one that offers a possibility of a new way of life.

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“Your Erroneous Zones: Step-by-Step Advice for Escaping the Trap of Negative Thinking and Taking Control of Your Life” by Wayne W. Dyer

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Wayne W. Dyer, in this empowering and inspirational book, presents to us the concept of “erroneous zones”; that is, aspects of our lives that act as true obstacles for the achievement of our goals and subsequent happiness. These “erroneous zones” take many forms, like a lack of confidence or control over our actions, or maybe heavy reliance on others. Exploring a different array of possibilities and situations that could be stopping you from leading a more fulfilled life, Dyers leads the way to a path of self-confidence and positive thinking.


“Macht und Ohnmacht: Bewältigungsstrategien und Krisenkompetenz am Beispiel von Kafkas Roman ‘Der Prozess'” von Lena Hinkelmann und Regine Hinkelmann

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In this essential reading Lena and Regine Hinkelmann present what contribution the psychological interpretation of “The Process” by Franz Kafka can make to the existing research landscape. With the help of a structured Kafka analysis, they show what manifestation effects the physical and psychological violence of the power system can have on the personality structure. Due to its social relevance, the authors make the transfer of this work of world literature to today’s work environment and work out the importance of emotion management and professional crisis competence.

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